In my most beloved tradition of ‘I like a thing, therefore I shall do the thing, and I don’t fucking care if you like it’: Another one of these.
- Three weeks ago I picked him up from the airport. I had fully intended to make out with his face as soon as I saw him and make everyone at the terminal SUPER uncomfortable, but a traffic jam held me up, forcing me to pick him up at arrivals.
- The friend he traveled with had been fully aware of my plans. His only comment was: “I had bought a magazine to keep myself occupied, so I guess THAT’s money down the drain.”
- Now Vincent is back. I divide my time between where I live and where he lives.
- This week, I watched Beyonce’s full performance at the Made in America festival. Twice.
- It’s been deleted off YouTube and VidLocker since then, which is a great move by Tidal because I signed up for a free trial JUST so I could see Beyonce’s 90-minute live performance one more time.
- Okay, a couple of more times. In fact, it’s on right now as I’m typing.
- It’s empowering and beautiful and perfect and Beyonce. Which is now an adjective, and the highest form of praise.
- I read Amy Poehler‘s Yes Please this week (Book Review here). She is such a little blonde powerhouse of a woman, and I love the way she thinks about work, relationships and doing YOU, like all the time. She’s brilliant and inspiring and you should read it.
- The Do Nothing Bitch speech by Ronda Rousey, as used by Beyonce in her Made In America performance to me embodies everything it should. If you want to look flawless, look flawless. It can even be a top priority if you should so desire. But there is so much more you could be than just beautiful in a picture. I think you should educate yourself, build your career, improve your life and be more than pretty, always.
- I got this sweater by Love Drunky at the Happinez Festival. I love the quote. After all, love is best when from Australia, historically used for hunting and if you don’t pay attention will hit you square in the face.
- As autumn is coming and my new thing is GIANT FUCKING SCARFS, I got another giant fucking scarf. By TIMI (This Is My Independence) made by Nepalese women. I got one in gorgeous blue, Jet got one in a pretty red-black. We’re cute.
- I had a public event to attent last Monday and I wore this all black attire. Honesty bids me to tell you I literally was there for only 45 minutes and one glass of wine before going back home and falling into my bed.
- I kidnapped Lin for a date with Aline that included brownies and photos. You can see her fierceness through the foliage.
- I spent a night in high heels as Vincent’s +1 and was once again reminded how much I love being sober at parties. You keep your wits, there is no risk of becoming obnoxious and you can drive home.
- I’d stop drinking completely if it weren’t for how much I love wine. And champagne. And good gin-tonics. And that one cocktail with lime and cilantro I was obsessed with for a while. Hm.
- Today I’m in the Hague in my favorite coffee shop (BLT), writing and totally not watching Beyonce’s Made In America Concert.
(Picture by Aline.)
Lol. Many laughs, many chins.
Ok bye.
Ik word zo happy en geïnspireerd van deze post! Ik weet niet of dat je bedoeling was, maar als jij mag doen wat je wilt, dan mag ik dat ook. Dus ik blijf gewoon zweven in de happy bubble die ik nu heb gecreëerd. En ik wil dat concert van Beyoncé kijken.
Die laatste foto van jou en Lin is trouwens echt zo mooi! Sowieso fotolijstjes materiaal 🙂
Heerlijke post dit. Ik had een beetje een bleh-dag totdat ik dit las, thanks!
Die foto van jou en Lin, alleen maar liefde! Wauw, twee prachtige dames.
Gotta love bullet points!
Love the bullet points! En die laatste foto is écht heel erg leuk 🙂