If there is one book I could recommend to you, it’s Steve Pavlina’s “Personal Development for Smart People.” I got it as an iBook for my iPad: the best 1,99 I have ever spent (it beats Plants VS Zombies and Angry Birds, so that means a lot.) Also, can I just point out the bargain? This iBook is 2 euros. And it is mind blowing.
It is one of the best, if not the best book on self development I have ever read –and trust me, I’ve done the field work to know. His approach is intelligence meets intuition. I’ll discuss it more thoroughly in another post, but it’s great. You should definitely read it if you’re into self development. The triangle below is what he discusses in the book, key principles to live by, with clear theory and instructions:
I started thinking about that today, those key principles of the Triangle. Truth, Love and Power. That combination is who I want to be, what I want to stand for.
Truth is a a mental state to me, one where I’m aware of what is important to me. It’s where I don’t get distracted by negativity, other people’s drama or less-than-ideal circumstances, because I am focused on the things that really matter. It makes it easy to have my behavior be completely in line with who I am on the inside. It’s also very easy for me to be straight with people when I’m in line with Truth. I know what’s right and what’s wrong because both my intuition and intelligence are completely in line. I may not know everything, but I know what is right, especially when it’s about my own choices and actions.
Love is the attitude where I am filled with love towards others. I am very relaxed because I feel loved, happy and safe. I am not suspicious, anxious or worried about my relationships or the people I love. I trust everyone in my life, and I assume them to be well and to mean well. I offer help and kind words to everyone I care for. It’s a very open and gentle attitude that I have towards everyone I meet.
And Power is a state where I do what has to be done, because I know and feel that I can, and so I do it. I don’t hesitate, don’t linger, don’t procrastinate. I am action-oriented. I feel capable and determined. I’m also operating from a sincere interest and curiosity: what can I do now? What can I do next? It’s not letting my time and my energy go to waste, using it well because I know I can.
For me, when those key principles come together, I am my Ultimate Self. Even without being a superstar, a bestseller writer or model thin. Even without having perfect skin, the perfect ass, the perfect shoes. I can feel that I’m being who I’m supposed to be, living how I’m supposed to live and therefore turning into who I am destined to be.
When do you feel like that?
For 2 euro’s, I need that book.
Did you get it?! It’s so good!
Preach! <3
Feeling like your ultimate self is, for me, one of the happiest feelings. I feel content, happy, optimistic and I trust everything and everyone around me. Now if only I knew how to feel like that all of the time, that would be superb.
We’ll get there, darling, I just know it!
ehh wanneer voel ik my ultimate self? ik moet hier even over nadenken…
ik denk dat ik me zo voel wanneer ik bezig ben met de dingen die ik leuk vind. dat kan zijn als ik aan het hardlopen ben. of als ik een stukje schrijf waarvan ik zelf om moet lachen. of wanneer ik liefde voel, van LOML, of als ik met de hele familie ben.
laat ik het zo zeggen, dan voel ik me compleet
Precies. Daarom moet je veel dingen doen die je leuk vind!
Thank you for this. Your summary is great.
For a long time I have aligned with truth and love. I can see how power/drive/energy factors in though.
I will read the book.