SPEECH TIME Life handed me a pretty good deal.
That’s not a brag, it’s a truth. I have always had a roof over my head, food to eat, I grew up in a stable and supportive environment, and I have always had access to education and health care. I wish every girl could be so lucky. Every girl deserves to be this lucky.
My blog is doing pretty okay too, which is something I don’t talk about a lot but still am SUPER grateful for. I want to start giving back more. And I’m asking you guys to help me out with that.
SELF HELP STARTER PACK I called in my faithful proof-reader (love her) to read and edit all of the material I wrote for Self Help Summer School in 2012. Then I added, erased and rewrote parts, turning it into a Starter Pack for starting out with Self Helping, Self Help Hipster style.
The Self Help Starter Pack is a 71 pages long .PDF, 25 000 words worth of content. It contains a whole shitload of essays, lists, tips and exercises on the topics of general self help, health and food, and manifesting. About 30% of this material has been featured on the blog and you can see some of it here and here for a general feel of the material. The rest has never been published before.
I’ve made it available here for 6.00$, which converts to 4.40 euros.
But what’s my FAVORITE thing about this…is that ALL of the profits will go to charity Girl Effect.
GIRL EFFECT Girl Effect is an organization working to help girls around the world in terms of health care, economics, safety and most dear to my heart: Education. Education for girls globally is a cause that’s dear to me. I want to support that through my blog. You can see all Girl Effect’s different projects here.
So if you want to read some extra self help by yours truly and donate to charity in one go? Please go and click the button below. That rhymed. I can totally go into advertisement now. Anyway.
That’s it for today. Happy Sunday and happy reading. BYE!
I am going to transfer the money from this ebook* to Girl Effect’s projects every month. And as always, if you want to buy it and don’t have PayPal, shoot me an email on info@theselfhelphipster.com. Obviously that money will go into my Paypal account first and then to Girl Effect with the rest of it.
*Which is going to be 6.00$ per Self Help Starter Pack, minus about .35$ that goes to Payhip.
I just bought your ebook, I paid for it but didn’t get an email or a link with the ebook. How will I receive it?
LITERALLY the first tim this happened with Payhip. I am sending you an email with a link now. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Got it! Thank you so much xx
Awesome! I’m not sure if I’m going to buy it though but I think it’s a great idea 😀
Bought it last night & now impatiently waiting for it to arrive in my inbox! Such a great idea & cause babe!
:’) Lin you didn’t actually buy it, if you buy it through Payhip you’ll get an immediate download-link. you just sent me a donation through PayPal. I was wondering what that was about when I woke up, figuring it was for Girl Effect! But I’ll send you a working link too, babe!
Yess, maar als ik op get this Ebook now klik stuurt ie me automatisch door naar Paypal.
Dat klopt, dan zou je kunnen afrekenen als het goed is, niet doneren. Jij hebt een andere route genomen. Misschien komt dat omdat je geen geregistreerd koper bent met jouw Paypal account.
Jammer dat ik geen PayPal heb 🙁 ik ben zo benieuwt!
Je mag ook via gewoon doen he, Kim? Dan kun je mailen!
Ik ga je vanmiddag weer eens mailen, want natuurlijk wil ik dit hebben. Yay!
Oh oh oh! En ga je eigenlijk ooit weer een Summer School, cursus-iets of workshopdinges doen? (Wilde ik al een tijdje vragen maar ik vergeet het steeds.)
Hi Femke! Workshop waarschijnlijk eind maart en als ik weer zo’n Self Help School Ding ga doen dan wordt het in een iets andere format en met maar 5 deelnemers maar daar ben ik nog over aan het brainstormen hoe dat handig is!
Sounds interesting, but I already bought the first manefesting lecture notes (thingy) so isn’t that the same stuff from the 2012 classes or is it something different?
There is some stuff of the SHS-pack that is in there (10%?), but the rest is completely different!
Okay, same thing as last time?
Heb hem net aangeschaft, ben benieuwd!
brb I’m going to enter my prayer circle to ask the Spaghetti Monster to make you LOVE it