New podcast! Sorry for the delay, Drew & I were trying to outdo each other with how much we could procrastinate on the editing (Drew, although Drew is superbly) and the show notes (me). Eventually I won, because Andrew is just a better person than I am.
But onto the show!
30-day challenge
Lianne: I’m kinda into Reiki at the moment and am doing that before going to bed
Andrew: Meditating before going to bed.
Book of the Month
Mark Manson’s The subtle art of not giving a fuck! You can buy the physical copy here* for 14.99!
LIANNE: Pink waterkettle for my office! It’s this one and it’s very cute.
Also my Onefit membership! In the podcast I talk about how, after my all-or-nothing exercise routines (either working out every day or not working out at all, which is NOT balance and is NOT sustainable) I’ve been working out 3 times a week since July. SELF FIVE!
It’s very doable, and more importantly: it’s just been so fun! With OneFit I get to try all these different things, and I can play around what fits in my week. Sometimes it’s an hour of yin yoga, other times it’s Pilates or kickboxing or Bikram yoga. I discover new routines and I find the ‘having to cancel 2 hours in advance’-rule works very well to actually go.
I highly recommend it if you live in either Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague or Utrecht. If you use my link to give it a try, you get a 20 euro discount for the first month and I get a 10 euro discount on my monthly fee! No biggie, but support your girl if you think OneFit sounds fun!
(And it’s not just ‘fit for fit girls’, promise. It’s perfect for anyone who wants to just work out a few times a week and not get bored.)
ANDREW: Harewood bakery donuts. It’s a little place in Amsterdam and the donuts are OUT OF THIS WORLD.
Pop culture pleasure
LIANNE: I am going to see 6LACK in 2018 and the song Drown The Lovers with a verse by 6lack is so pretty. Also, the documentary of Lady Gaga 5 Foot 2 is hella good.
ANDREW: My dad wrote a porno, as discussed in previous episode. HOOKED TOO. If you’re not on board yet, DOWNLOAD THIS PODCAST.
The next books:
The life-changing magic of not giving a fuck & Get your shit together by Sarah Knight.
See you soon!
Guys, I miss your sens and non-sense 🙂 Hope your doing well.