New Podcast episode! You can listen to all the podcasts and subscribe right here, show notes below!
BOOK REVIEW – We talk about Eat That Frog (you can buy it here*), and we’ll be reviewing You’re A Badass next episode (available here*, and a steal!)
CHIT CHAT Andrew’s beautiful new website, including his article on self driving cars (with GORGEOUS illustrations, you guys)
Lianne: The IT crowd. Geeks and a tech-noob as manager.
Andrew: Rick & Morty’s “I’m here if you need to talk”
Until next time!
I really like to listen to the podcasts while getting ready in the morning 🙂
Ever since I was 15 I would always asking myself ‘What would Miley do?’ when in doubt or whenever I was scared to do something. Made my life more interesting to say the least 🙂
I’m was thinking about buying the ‘You are a badass’ book but I’ll wait until the next podcast ;).
*I was thinking…
And btw, I remember you were hating (haha) on Justin Bieber a lot before (I remember a certain twitter rant or something), so I’m glad he’s eventually grown on you a bit.
Andrew, if you really like the NFL you should try watching college football. In some parts of the US the college teams are more popular than the professional teams. I’ve just spent 3 months in a college town and it was great fun to go to the games!