Another month, another Self Help Hipster Podcast episode! Click below to listen and read the show notes!
- BOOK WE REVIEWED: ‘Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You’ by Cal Newport. You can get the book here*!
- BOOK WE WILL REVIEW NEXT: Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy (<3!). You can get the book here* OR read my 2012-review on WHY you should get this book here!
Ariane KILLS IT.
Oh, and in case you were wondering just like I was while watching this video? She was squinting like a mole because she didn’t have her contacts in.
Mine: The Great British Bake Off.
Andrew’s: The Martian, book* and movie (watch movie trailer here: I am terrified of space and this was the worst, but the movie looks AMAZING too.)
See you next month for a whole new episode of the Self Help Hipster Podcast!
“AND SO DO YOU!” :’)
Ok, now that both you and my mom have told me to watch the Great British Bake Off, I’m going to give it a try! Loving the podcast! xo
Do it, you’ll be thanking yourself /your mom/me!
Ik ben ook helemaal verslaafd aan the Bake Off. Nu al zin in de finale woensdag!
Jaaaaa – voor wie ben je?
Ik doe mee met je telefoon uitzet actie. Wel eerst even een fatsoenlijke wekker scoren… 😀