Self Help Book Parade: BodieBoost

My philosophy towards food is this: Eat for nutrients and energy, move your body, love your body and all will work out. I realize this is harder for some than others, but that’s basically my point of view. I eat for health and energy (and pleasure!), and I have a ‘weird’ diet if you’re going to hold it up to normal standards. More green than an average animal farm and what not.

So huge disclaimer alert before I go into this book: I do not believe in weight loss diets. At all.

Consequently, I am not a fan of diet books. It’s usually a bunch of biological pseudo-scientific hooey, some complicated meal plan with crazy ingredients and a lot of empty promises. If you would ask me which one to get, I’d say “None. Go buy a fucking juicer, start making green juice and really change your life.” Ahem. Moving on.

That rant aside, I am a huge fan of common sense. Using your own head, being smart about things. Also a big fan of anything that render results. BodieBoost girl Charlotte Willems has got plenty of both, as well as perky can-do attitude, which had me inclined to be open-minded and actually open her book.

Discovery: I know Charlotte through Twitter and I read her blog every once in a while. She’s very enthusiastic and believes in what she’s doing. I like that. So when she notified me her book came out, I was curious enough to read and review it. You can buy her book BodieBoost here for 14.95.

Subject: Charlotte’s story is the story of so many girls. In her teens she tried to lose weight through every diet available, none of it worked which had her jojo-ing back and forth and with an unhealthy perspective on food and her weight. But Charlotte decided to do it her own way by coming up with a set of rules with which to approach food and health. So she would create a more relaxed way of dealing with food and weight, without being obsessed about it all the time.

It worked. She lost 7 kg with her own BodieBoost method and more importantly, that was four fucking years ago. She kept it off. In this world of jojo-ing, that is a rare and beautiful accomplishment. In this book, she shares her method so other people can follow her lead.

In the book you will find her BodieBoost rules, success stories, BodieBoost meal plans and recipes (meat, fish and vegetarian). The book is nice, colorful, very positivity-minded and contains all the information you need if you want to start BodieBoosting.

Kookiness Scale (1-10): Charlotte’s book scores a very positive 0 on this scale. Diet books shouldn’t be cooky, in my opinion. Her method is supersensible: In terms of food groups, grocery lists, meal plans and common sense in tough situations. Because you know what? We have birthday parties, after work drinks and chocolate cravings. And in BodieBoost, that is actually worked into the method. It can be applied to a standard life without much hassle.

You should read this book if…:

  • You are looking for a method to lose weight that’s sensible, very applicable for normal day-to-day living and that will have you lose weight slow, steady and -most importantly- permanently.
  • You want a positive and perky way to look at losing weight and getting fit
  • You have gone so far off the rails in terms of your perspective on food and weight you need a ‘normal’ diet.
  • You need some help in terms of getting on track with a healthy lifestyle.

Self Help Hipster Stamp Of Approval? As said before, not a big fan of diet books in general. However, I believe this book might be something that a lot of people (girls especially) could really use. This book has the potential to normalize your eating patterns, kickstart your healthy lifestyle while also bringing you back to a normal, common sense kind of approach towards food. If that is what you’re looking for, this book could be it for you. So if it’s going to get you out of that crash-diet idiocy, vicious cycle of weight loss -weight gain-back again and negative attitude towards food and weight…Yes.

I still think you should go buy a juicer, though.

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