This is where I throw around some bullet points, write whatever words I want and you basically just sit there and take it like the champ that you are.
- Friday night, in the style of the article I posted, Vin and I had dinner at FG Foodlabs!
- Last year we had lunch there in Restaurant Week and it remains one of my favorite dates and memories of 2015.
- Because of Vincent and because of the cheese platter.
- So, Friday night we went back, drank wine, and had some brilliant food and talked about dating for a year.
- My favourite was the pork belly and the cheese platter. Eh. You can make a girl appreciate fine food, but you can’t make a girl forget just how DELICIOUS foods packed with fat and salt are.
- I try to spend as little as time as possible admitting that I am completely in love with this furry ball of idiot.
- Instead I nicknamed her ‘the Little Predator’, spend all my time at home talking to her, playing with her and petting her if her Highness allows it.
- …
- Shut up.
- If you get me anything cat-related for my birthday, we still stop being friends.
- Get ready for another one of these.
- Last year was the Chapter I: Rome With The Parents.
- This year is Chapter II: Rome With The Boyfriend Edition: Even More Prosecco And Pasta.
- Can’t wait. I wanna go for a run, eat at Obica, Orso ’80 and show Vincent all of Rome’s beauty.
- I’m tired, so shockingly decide not to do any work. This is my face ignoring that I will have to work double on Sunday.
- I will fiercely defend my free time, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I’m losing three full working days on a project this week, while everything else continues, so I gotta make up for that somewhere.
- Instead, I spend some time on the couch with my laptop and books while Frank Underwood shocks and awes in the background.
- Vincent makes a chorizo-goatcheese pasta and a rosemary chocolate mousse.
- …As I am typing this I realise I should put a ring on that man and his spatula.
- One of my boyfriend’s best friends comes by. This guy also has become a really good friend of mine and I love it when he comes over for dinner.
- We spend the whole night talking. Thoughts are formed, dreams are shared, encouragement is given. These two give me lots of energy.
- When I’m tired, I’m done, I kiss my men goodnight and I go sleep. I’m content.
by Anna from Anna’s Illustrations
- For the Code sessions, I meet incredibly fun, inspiring and interesting people. Anna is one of them, and she made me this drawing of myself.
- I’ve never been cuter.
- Okay, time to get back to work.
- Big week ahead, and I’m a little nervous, but I’m sure it will all be fine.
- Love you, bye.
Love the bullet points and LOVE Rome.