My Chakra Meditation Techniques

Yoooo. In my Meditation blog last week, some of you wanted to know more about Chakra Meditation. I get that, I like to know what kooky shit other people get upto in the privacy of their own head just as much as the next person.

Here’s the resources I use for my own chakra-based meditation as well as what I do to meditate without any add-ons.


I personally love how much chakra healing and meditation relies on imagination and visualisation. Gives my monkey mind something to do while I’m trying to meditate.

Which is why I can recommend meditating in this fashion to anyone who gets bored easy, has ADHD, is easily distracted and or is one of those “zomg I can’t meditate”-types (guilty).

However, if you rather do the classic sit-and-just-be type meditating, this might not be your favorite thing to do. Too trippy.


  • Jason Stephenson is the YouTube Guided Meditation Man, apparently. He has a fuckton of guided meditations. I’ve only listened to the Chakra ones so far, but if you’re into other types of Guided Meditation he might be a good one to check out!
  • I mainly listen to this one: It’s a guided meditation where you’re visualising being on a beach, and the sand is the color of your different chakras. I know it sounds dumb, but it works SO well for me. Makes me all relaxed and glowy in my energy centres. This meditation is my go-to before going to bed.


I was trying to find something like what Rockstar Shaman played in our meditation session (but that has proven impossible so far) but I did find all these different meditations and playlists you can put on if you want to meditate. I did not know there were spiritual-type playlists on Spotify!

  • This playlist is my favorite, because it’s very chill and pretty and for the most part just music. I actually have it on at times when I’m writing.
  • This album actually has an 4-minute guided meditation per chakra as well as tones per chakra.


  • A very simple one I use is to relax, count back from 10, and focus on the spot of the chakra in your body. Then imagine it opening. I also imagine an uninterrupted white light type of energy flow from one chakra to the next one, from bottom (root chakra) to top (crown chakra). If I stay awake long enough.
  •  The other one I do is just put my hands on where the chakra is located, and I do two things. I try to feel ‘how it feels’. I know roughly what the chakra I’m focusing on represents and I try to breathe mindfully, observe my thoughts and see if any thoughts or emotions come up regarding that chakra, that part of myself or that area of my life. For example, the Root chakra has to do with grounding, your sense of security and being able to trust. So I breathe and focus on those themes. Sometimes it’s just relaxing, sometimes it’s really insightful.
  • One thing I also do is send Reiki-energy into that chakra by putting my hands on it. If you are initiated in Reiki, I really think you should give it a try: I find this about as relaxing and energising as the regular Reiki routine.

And yes, it also makes me fall asleep. All of the meditation makes me fall in all of the sleeps.

Lin and I are actually going to a workshop that I’m really excited about. Lin found it online, invited me. The teacher is a Canadian yoga instructor/holistic practitioner and the workshop is going to be a short yin yoga class, a lecture on the chakras and a chakra meditation focused on activating the chakras. Bring it on.

If you have any cool resources, let me (and others) know in the comment. Happy Sunday.

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  1. Oeh handig! Dit ga ik even opzoeken! Vooral spotiy play list even checken, vind goede meditatie dingen daar vaak lastig te vinden.
    Ik volg zelf een cursus – spirituele psychologie met 2x pj een blok van 5 dagen – waarin elke dag een meditatie en een chakra oefening zit. Daar heb ik eigenlijk al mn chakra meditaties uit. Is idd een heerlijke manier van mediteren, net wat makkelijker dan focus op ademhaling bijv. Leuk dat jullie naar een workshop gaan, ben benieuwd!

  2. Top! Bedankt voor de filmpjes! 😮 die ga ik uitproberen! Mag ik vragen waar Lin die workshop gevonden heeft? Zoiets lijkt mij ook heel interessant om te doen!

  3. I’ve never tried anything more spiritual with my meditations (I have only ever used the book Mindfullness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World’ but I have now tried the chakra meditations by Jason Stephenson that you mentioned above, and they feel amazing! I think I will join you from time to time in such kooky shit 😉

  4. I’ve never tried anything more spiritual with my meditations (I have only ever used the book Mindfullness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World’ but I have now tried the chakra meditations by Jason Stephenson that you mentioned above, and they feel amazing! I think I will join you from time to time in such kooky shit 😉