My part time job of teaching at university is one of the reasons I love getting up in the morning. Psychology, traching and motivated, intelligent people — for the most part, of course. I’m not one to complain, but a definite albeit surmountable downside is that a part time job doesn’t come with a full time job salary. A definite glitch in my Evil Master Plan, I know.
I can make due, but last month things were a little tighter. However, instead of panicking (again, for the most part) and selling a kidney, I took a different approach. I got the Universe involved, and started working at attracting abundance. Which is a fancy term for using the Law of Attraction to bring more money into your life.
It’s not hard or anything. One strategy I used is that I really relished in the moments that I felt most abundant. Being in my yoga studio or my superfood stocked kitchen, the moments I was drinking champagne or great wine with friends or when I was surrounded by the people and things I love. Looking at my stacks of books, my wardrobe, my house. The moments I feel rich in different ways than my bank account.
In my mind, I focused on feeling abundant and taken care, and thinking thoughts that go well with that. Good financial thoughts. Like “I attract money”, “Money find its way to me” and “My finances will grow”. Make no mistake: Still paid my bills, didn’t start buying expensive stuff to trick myself into thinking I’m rich (bad move). I just felt ‘rich’ and thought positive, financial-happy thoughts.
…That was all I did. I did nothing more and all I had to do next was say ‘yes’ to the opportunities that would present themselves to me. And what do you know, they actually did.
First, Manfred’s bro needed someone to fill in for him at his hotel job. All I had to do was say ‘yes’. I spent two weeks, checking in guests in the most beautiful hotel in Rotterdam. I helped out a loved one and got paid to boot. Awesome.
Second, for the first time in my Internet history I was approached by a decent media company. Not for gambling websites ads, not US take away services links, nothing in conflict with my website or my readers. Actual things I could work with. I’ve always had to say ‘no’ but this time, I finally could say ‘yes’. Milestone if there ever was one.
I also received an e-mail from my job. If I could please stand by to teach second-year students. Again. All I had to do was say ‘yes’.
Of course I am TOTALLY disappointed there was no big bag of money falling from the sky, because that would have been a kick ass story, but these things were awesome. I’m grateful for the little financial wiggle room they gave me, and I believe that my mindset helped.
One of the reasons I got more convinced of that as I was on a roll with the abundance mindset was the unexpected side effect: Project Penny picked right back up. I am finding coins again, everywhere. While I wasn’t even focusing on coins or trying to find them! They were just there. Everywhere! Where I park my bike, on the road, on random cafeteria tables. Even (the Universe has a sense of humor) in the almost exact same situation that turned me into a believer: A coin literally rolled right under my feet as I was in the subwaystation.
For me, this is a clear as day example that however subtle and however pronounced, our minds have an impact on our realities. Cool, no? And who knows where this could lead to. Worth finding out.
Fijn artikel, herkenbaar maar ook vol tips om niet te panieken. Ik vind vooral het stuk “The moments I feel rich in different ways than my bank account” een goede reminder om verder te kijken dan het saldo op je bankrekening!
Thanks, San! Ik denk daar een hoop in zit wat betreft de Abundance Mindset!
I experienced something that made me pick up project penny again. The start went well and then I lost the mindset…*oops* I was at the AH with an Italian friend and when she was talking to me, I noticed one cent on the floor. I picked it up, looked at the back and it was Italian. The Universe is amazing!
Haha that is such a cool story!