Law of Attraction Video.

For those of you who can’t be arsed to watch the entire thing (I’ve been there), I basically try to explain what my theory on the Law of Attraction Basic Idea is and how I think about it in my day to day life. Please note this is just about the basic idea and how this works in MY head, not how I put my desires into practical manifesting or whatever, I will try to explain that in another video if you want me to. These are the main points I make in the video (minus the jokes, stutters and accidental eyerolls): 
  • For one thing, I am totally on board of the  “positivity attracts positivity” bit: If I am a positive, happy and helpful person, I will see this reflected into my life. The whole ‘you get what you give’ thing is truth to me. Therefore I make the effort to honor that by being that person. As positive, cheerful, helpful and good as I can possibly be.
  • The whole “negativity attracts negativity” is different, as I only partially get behind it. I get behind the basic idea. If I’m going to be a negative asshole I will be living the life of a negative asshole. If I let one negative thing get me down, I will only see more negative things that will bring me down further. If I am going to be a complainypants, my social crowd is going to be a complainypants and those energysuckers are not fun at parties.
  • Now, despite it being the favorite accusation people throw my way, as well as being the number one law of attraction hurdle, I don’t think people cause all their problems themselves. Some, definitely, but not all and definitely not the worst of them. I believe ‘negativity attracts negativity’ only goes so far. I do not believe that people have brought rape/trauma/war/hunger/deathly illnesses etc. upon themselves.
  • Positive is way stronger than negative, as any Law of Attraction auhor or enthusiast can attest and therefore it makes no sense to me that those big horrible things are completely caused by negativity. I wish I could explain it in terms of the Law of Attraction but in the immortal words of Doctor Sheldon Cooper: “I would if I could, but I can’t so I shan’t.”
  • I do believe negativity never makes anything better, but that’s not the issue here, just something to keep in mind.
  • My personal philosophy is that sometimes, life has shit parts in it. And you’re just going to have to go through them. If I may make a suggestion (and I may because it’s my website!), try to always keep a positive outlook as much as you can, but never make a big deal out of being sad or thinking bad thoughts. Read the article I wrote about negative thoughts here.
  • And what you can practically do with the Law of Attraction during or after the shitty parts of life is set the intention that things are going to get better. That a day will have something nice in it. That you’re going to have a positive experience. That you will feel better than yesterday. Setting a good intention when you can, and trying to get your positivity up again after being down.
  • Another important philosophy to keep in mind when learning about the Law of Attraction or working with anything self help: Find the things that you can use and that feel right for you, and disregard the rest. Create a mindset that feels the most natural and truthful to you, and never add items that don’t ring true to your heart.
If you got any questions or remarks, always welcome to share!

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  1. I love the video, I ‘understand’ the message so much more compared to the Summer School in July! And you look absolutely beautiful.

    1. Hmm… me understanding it better has nothing to do with you or the Summer School btw. What I tried to say in my comment is, I understand it better because I’m working with the law of attraction since the Summer School.

  2. Ik denk PRECIES hetzelfde over ‘negativity attracts negativist’. Probeer dat ook altijd tegen mensen uit te leggen, want dat is natuurlijk het eerste waar ze over beginnen als je de woorden ‘Law of Attraction’ laat vallen. Ik geloof zeker voor een groot deel dat het waar is, maar er is ook gewoon shit en toeval. C’ est la vie. Maar het duurde wel een paar maanden van manisch al mijn negatieve gedachten wegdrukken voordat ik me dat besefte haha.

  3. Ik ben het met je eens, niet alle negatieve dingen gebeuren omdat je daarom gevraagd hebt. Maar het gaat er wel om hoe je er mee omgaat. Zo zag ik op youtube laatst een filmpje van een meisje zonder armen die liet zien hoe ze zich ‘s ochtends aankleed. Nou ging het niet perse daarom, maar zij straalde zoveel positiviteit uit en zette iets negatiefs om in iets positiefs. Het leven is nou eenmaal niet eerlijk en mijn geloof is dat er negatieve dingen gebeuren om het evenwicht in balans te houden en daar komen weer nieuwe kansen uit voort. En zoals ze zeggen zonder haat ook geen liefde.

  4. My 50cts: Sure, negativity attracts negativity. But it’s like saying: yes, all cows are cattle. But not all cattle are cows. (This one works so much better in Dutch.) Jumping from a high building will probably make me break my leg. Does that mean that, if I have a broken leg, I jumped from a building? Nah. I probably have done something stupid though, but there’s a multitude of things that can have caused it. And sometimes things just happen.

    Stating that B follows A doesn’t mean that B is by definition preceded by A. Subtle difference, but a big one. We are an important factor in shaping our lives, but by far not the only one.

    Now on to what I really wanted to say, more important matters: what lipstick is that? I want it. The colour is perfect.

  5. I agree with Eva, it’s sort of what I wanted to point out as well

    “Now, despite it being the favorite accusation people throw my way, as well as being the number one law of attraction hurdle, I don’t think people cause all their problems themselves. Some, definitely, but not all and definitely not the worst of them. I believe ‘negativity attracts negativity’ only goes so far. I do not believe that people have brought rape/trauma/war/hunger/deathly illnesses etc. upon themselves.”

    There is a difference between knowingly/actively attracting bad stuff, and doing so without knowing so. Alos, us human beings don’t operate as complete autonomics. The vibe of the group, city, country, etc, also have an influence on us, we are all connected. So I DO think the LOA also goes for things like rape/trauma/war/hunger/deathly illnesses, but not in the simplistic way men usually thinks about the LOA principle.

  6. I think we sometimes forget that we are just a small part of the bigger universe and that many, many things happen out there regardless of, or in spite of, ourselves. Things happen. It is always how you react to what happens around you that determines your outcomes or your happiness or anything else. Nothing is ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ unless we decide it is so. Our decision that something is negative colors our perception of that thing and we proceed based on that perception. Change your perception and a whole new world of possibility opens up for you. That is the basis of the law of attraction.