(Photography for Grace’s Guide: The Art of Pretending to Be A Grown Up: Robin Roemer.)
After my review on Mamrie’s book, I went on Tumblr to fangirl some more* and saw that the fans of the Holy Trinity of YouTube have dubbed the three books of the ladies (my Drunk Kitchen, Grace’s Guide and You Deserve A Drink), the Holy Trilogy.
Now I think that is fucking cute.
So I thought it would be fun to review the Holy Trilogy here too. You can click the link to Mamrie’s Book Review here and once I’ve reviewed My Drunk Kitchen I’ll add that too.
For now, let’s review Grace’s Guide: The Art Of Pretending To Be A Grown Up!
*Sorry I know I promised I would stop but I just couldn’t, it was too good and I reblogged a whole bunch of other Mamrie Hart quotes for fun that night.
DISCOVERY: I actually read this WAY before ever reading the YDAD book: In Thailand last summer (see that book list here if you’re looking for inspiration on what to read), I just never got around to reviewing it! You can get it on Bol.com for 14.99 euros here* and on Book Depository for 13.82 euros*!
SUBJECT: Grace, the introverted, quirky funny girl from YouTube is going to teach us how to ADULT.
The book contains personal stories, advice and tip lists on how to be a grown up. From how to survive college to how to deal with anxiety to asking someone out to travel tips: This book has it all, and is actually surprisingly helpful!
As she describes it herself: “This is a self help book that went to happy hour”
…I can work with that.
KOOKINESS (0-10): Zero. Grace is too down-to-earth (and socially awkward) to go all spiritual-and-enlightened on our asses. It’s all very hands-on, practical and so very much real life it hurts.
When she described herself watching a YouTube video from a very beautiful put together beauty guru, getting inspired to be more productive, and yet still taking that shot of vodka to the face to deal? Too real. My life.
SELF HELP HIPSTER’S STAMP OF APPROVAL: Yes. I love Grace, she has grown on me so much as I watched her Podcasts Not Too Deep and her TV show. Just like Mamrie, she is a very funny, gifted writer. Her sense of humor is a little less abrasive (I’m looking at you, Mametown) and more my style, so I really appreciated that in her book.
- “Being an adult is both super cool and super scary. You can eat ice cream whenever you want, but you might also develop a lactose issue. You can drive a car across the country if you feel like it, but you’ll probably have to pay for your own car insurance. It’s amazing and awful.”
- [TIP]: “Have easy-to-prepare food in the house at all times. This is essential. Your drunk and/or tired self will be so, so grateful.”
- “It’s pretty inspiring to talk to your friends about the things they want to accomplish in the next few weeks/months/years.”
- “Life is a highway. And if there is legit, life changing opportunity, don’t be afraid to express your DESIRE of it.”
- “Experiment. Sexually. Only if you’re in college. Get it out of your system now, because orgies are frowned upon in the workplace.”
- “Like that person’s shirt? Ask him about it. He might become your best man. Who knows? The universe is ridiculous.”
- “Spend time with the people who bring out your true flavours but don’t overpower you.”
- “Is your name Instagram? Because I’d double-tap that.”
- “Instead of wasting energy being mad at someone else (or yourself), spend your energy fixing it.”
- “Subtweeting is for tweens.”
- You love Grace Helbig and her videos.
- You love the Holy Trinity of YouTube.
- You dig the quotes above because there is a TON more of where that came from
- You want to learn how to adult
- You want life advice from a cute awkward person who does her best to be put together but failing at that (at least a little) is just part of her personality.**
I remember seeing an interview with Grace once that she wanted to teach girls that it’s okay to just be yourself, how quirky and weird that may be***. I think Grace (AND Mamrie and Hannah) are trailblazing that on YouTube AND the rest of the world, and I love that.
Read their books, ya’ll. Ok bye.
*Affiliate links.
**And considering you’re on MY website and I have been walking around with my shirt buttoned up wrong the whole day, I think you might be interested in that.
***If that’s who you are. Not if you want to be Zoey Deschanel.
Boohoo, I wish you didn’t always read e-books, so I could steal this one from you.