Hi guys! I’m very much enjoying my Do-Nothing Challenge this weekend! So there is no extra challenge for you today either. Just relax. Enjoy the things and people around you.
However….If you want to read more written by yours truly, or if you want to create your own challenge in terms of habit change, that IS possible.
I’m happy to announce you can totallyy do that with…Habits, my new e-book! Thanks to stolen moments of writing and editing over the past weeks, a lot of coffee and my proofreaders Lea & Stine, it’s finally here.
It’s 43 pages long, almost 12 000 words, containing my most important and enlightening insights about habits and changing them, some important perspective shifts and some extra encouragement and exercises.
Sneak peek? Well, sure! Click here!
If you’re into that sort of thing, you can get it here for 5.50 USD, which is only 4 euros. Buy one Starbucks coffee less this week, get my little e-book and spend your Sunday evening (preferably somewhere warm and cosy.)
You can get it by clicking the big fancy button above or by clicking here. In case you DO want it but you DON’T have Paypal, not to worry: Send me an email. We’ll do it old-school-style, bank accounts and pleasantries and everything.
Regardless, I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend and have a wonderful Sunday night. New (actual) challenge again tomorrow!
Bye babies!
Bought it. Love it!
Leuk, ik wil graag jenieuwe ebook lezen, maar idd geen paypal! Zou je me je bankgegevens willen sturen, dan maak ik t geld zsm over.
Loved it, especially the auto-pilot/inner-caveman/child part. Best 4 euros you could probably spend this month/year. <3
So Proud of you.
Gonna, buy this! Well, once I get my card-reader fixed (or when I can temporarily use my dad’s)
Old school I’m afraid, can I just use the same bank account as last time?
Hi Luna! Yes, of course!
Yes, them I’m gonna get it as a ‘I-survived-my-first-exams-in-college-treat’!
Gonna have to wait a month though, otherwise I’m going to want to read it early =P
Ja! Ik wil het! Ik ga je even een mailtje sturen.
Yes, ik geloof dat ik nog nooit zo snel op kopen heb gedrukt! Gewoon omdat ik jou en je website zo gaaf vind EN omdat ik veel van je stukken leer. 🙂 Fijne kerst, Lianne! xx Robin
Dit maakte me ZO vrolijk! Fijn om te horen, ik hoop dat je Habits leuk vind en dat je een fijne kerst hebt!
i really liked it 🙂
That’s good to hear! One less reader to worry about 😉 !
Leuk!!! Je kunt binnenkort een mailtje van me verwachten, want ik vertrouw mijn Paypal niet helemaal… Goede jaarwisseling!