Better Habits iPhone App


Although I will never forsake my Bullet Journal (I’m a pen-on-paper girl when it comes down to it), occasionally I let Self Help Apps into my phone and into my heart.

The app developer got in touch with me about the Better Habits iPhone app he developed: A habit tracker he build based on some basics and psychological research.

It was love at first screen shot.

I downloaded the Better Habits iPhone app immediately, been using it and loving it. I think you might love it too.

Take a look.

BETTER HABITS is a intuitive, nice habit tracker that incorporates a few different elements of creating habit, habit changes. You fill in the habits you want to form, and start tracking them.

So far, so the same as most other habit trackers, right? Just a bit better looking than most, although Balance isn’t terrible either.

What’s different is that it includes different features and options, all backed with psychological research. (References included in the app and website.)

THREE IS THE CHARM You can only have 3 active habits at the same time, the rest of ’em are queued.

This is because you can’t change all your habits at once, and this helps you keep focus on the most important habits at hand. Once a habit is strong enough, it will go in Formed Habits. New habits will go out of the Queu in the Active Habits field.


DIFFICULTY SETTING How long it takes you to install a new routine or habit is not necessarily the often quoted 21 days, it depends on the difficulty.

So, Habit Tracker includes different difficulties, from Piece of Cake (you need to do only 14 reps to probably be able to make it your routine according to Better Habits) to Impossible (needing approximately 90 reps to complete before you can count it as a fully Formed Habit)

NO STREAK NECESSARY You don’t have to do it all day every day, you can decide to do something a few days a week and it will still be counted as a new habit to form. I like the practicality of that, because some things you don’t have to do every day but still want to make a habit.

(The commercial is a little too ‘Become The Best You!!’ at the end, but it shows off the app quite nicely, if you want to see it click here.)

The Better Habits iphone app is just the right amount of everything for me, which is why I liked it straight away.

Aesthetically pleasing but simplistic, room for several habits but not too much, being able to do streaks but also to just create habits without having to do something every day.

It’s 2,99 in the App Store, and if you want to try a good habit tracker, I think this might be a nice and easy one.

Hope you like it as much as I do!

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  1. Dank je wel voor deze tip Lianne: dat ziet er inderdaad heel fijn uit. Ik heb al veel van deze apps geprobeerd, maar inderdaad wat jij zegt: op papier hebben is gewoon af en toe te fijn 😉 Ik heb het concept ook wel mooi dat je niet 21 dagen nodig hebt om al je gewoontes aan te pakken (sommige kosten misschien inderdaad wat langer om door te voeren). Ik ga het in ieder geval een kans geven 🙂

  2. I’ll check that one out for my Iphone. Meantime, I’ve been looking at bullet point journals. I remembered you mentioned it in your first podcast. Which triggered a memory. Did you write about it? I’ll go looking for the article if you did.

  3. De app ziet er mooi uit! Ik gebruik nu een andere, ‘Strides’, maar die ziet er niet zo mooi uit als deze. Toch weerhoudt de 3 euro me er dan weer van om hem aan te schaffen haha.

  4. O wow, dit ziet er echt heel goed uit. Zo strak ook enzo, ik vind de vormgeving mooi. (ik irriteer me aan apps die er niet uitzien, dan geloof ik er al niet meer in) Nice. Trouwens, over een bulletjournal wil ik graag meer leren. Ik wil er zelf eentje maken, maar daar moet je me dan wel even bij helpen denk ik. (omygod ik voel een gastblogje opkomen)

  5. Die ziet er heel mooi uit! Zelf gebruik ik Habit Streak en ondanks dat die er uit ziet als Windows 98, heb ik toch wel een mooie streak opgebouwd die ik niet wil verliezen…