A global phenomenon with kindred spirits looking for innovation and inspiration. Obviously that is a place I really want to be and that’s why I emailed Rob Speekenbrink, the big brain behind TedxDelft if I could blog for them (someone on Twitter asked if I had been asked. Honey. I would love to be that big a deal but I’m really not.)
It was interesting for me to start at TedxDelft because I am very alpha-minded and here I was among all these brilliant betas. Luckily for me there were a lot of technical things happening (that I could actually learn from!), but not just. There was way, way more to it and to the Technical University of Delft. I mean, they have a cultural professor who is producing the opera ‘Carmen’ right now, just to name one thing.
I put a lot of pictures up after the jump, go take a look.
I was at the Technical University’s Auditorium before the crack of dawn, but when I arrived we first got coffee, breakfast and a tour. Afterwards I shot a few pictures of the different hang-out spot, this being one of them. Lots of cool TedxTheme Colored chairs and a big screen to watch the TedTalks from if you wanted to take a break from the big lecture hall. This was also where Jongens Van De Tekeningen drew their masterpiece. More on that later.
Very much on theme (Never Grow Up):Β The swing benches. I want.
ALSO on theme: The very first video game EVER made its appearance at Tedx Never Grow Up. You could scan the QR code with your smartphone and then play against your friend!
This was the room from which we were blogging: Sometimes we would go into the auditorium to listen to the TedTalks but I spend most of my time in this room with the other bloggers.
What, what! Sold out!
Throughout the entire event, De Jongens Van De Tekeningen live-drew the happenings on stage and the performers. I occasionally hopped to marvel at their creativity and speed. The drawing was later auctioned for charity.
Drawing made by Jongens Van De Tekeningen: This is Boyan, the 18-year old student with the brilliant plan to clean the oceans from plastic. I was lucky enough to be the one liveblogging about him, which you can read here. I also met him and tweeted about it:
Also liveblogged about Floris Visser: the Cultural Professor of the TU who is working on Opera Carmen right now. The man has amazing stage presence and his story was inspiring. You can read the Tedx Post here.
The dress code was also Never Grow Up-Casual and when I saw Nynke Tromp I immediately wanted to take her picture. I thinks she looked stunning, don’t you? I love her yellow bright skirt.
Another person who really took the dresscode to the next level was this guy, I LOVE his bright pink suit with All Stars and I applaud him. What a champ. I wish I had asked his name!
My afternoon snack as the day drew to a close. I had danced at Lunch Beat, saw all these amazing performances and met Aldith Hunkar, Ionica Smeets as well as so many cool fun attendants, and I was extremely pleased with how TedxDelft turned out to be. It was a great event.
And finally, after a long and satisfying day the group picture of the blog&webcare team. I had a wonderful time thanks to them. I also want to give a huge shout out to the amazing volunteers. While I just sat and wrote a few words they were working their asses off all day, I have an enormous amount of respect for them.
All in all, a wonderful event that I’m honored to have been a part of. If it is up to me, I will definitely see you next year!
Oh the swings & the yellow skirt <3 Great behind the scenes picture tour!
Omg that must have been freekin’ awesome! So jealous of you right now (in a good way). And yes, that ‘pink guy’ is a genius!
Ik vind het zo tof dat je het gewoon gevraagd hebt! Ik kan nog een hele hoop van jou leren! π
Thank you for introducing me to Boyan, as soon as the sound system of my computer is working again I’m gonna watch his speech π