I wrote about the Pomodoro Technique book before, and I have been using the Pomodoro technique for work and for writing.
Today is just a little sneak peek in how I usually work with the Pomodoro technique on a day-to-day basis.
- TO DO LIST: I work from to do lists because YAY lists and YAY not forgetting anything when you have a case of the Goldfish Brain. I still use this method.
- TO DO LIST FT POMODORO: The only thing you add on a Pomodoro List is how many Pomodoros you think it is going to take. For example, for writing a report you can put down 4 Pomodoros. You can be totally off, but it can help you to make a rough estimate.
- APP: I use the Pomodoro iPhone app. Because it is “aesthetically pleasing” (it is pretty), has cute sounds to alert breaks and keeps stats.
- MUSIC: I work a million percent better when I have music on, preferably on headphones so I have zero distractions. I love Spotify and 8Track playlists, like I mention in my Studyspo article.
- WORK: I get to it, and only use my breaks for getting food or drinks, going to the bathroom and watching at Markiplier play videogames.
- WORK (ON) BITCH: If I’m in the flow I will skip the break and just keep working, especially if I’m almost finished with a task. (I’m such a badass, rebelling against the official Pomodoro system and all).
- THE END: At the end of the workday, I write down a few things I want to put on the To Do list for the next day.
I truly agree with the following Pomodoro quote:
“The passage of time is no longer perceived as negative, but positive. Every Pomodoro represents the opportunity to improve, or in crisis situations, to reorganise rapidly.”
When you work this way, you’re always doing something useful with your time. Always putting your efforts towards something you want to finish or accomplish. You’ll get less anxious because you know you’re working on it. You’re doing it. You’re figuring it out. This action-oriented approach makes you feel good.
So yeah, Pomodoro the shit out of your homework, your work, and your writing. Good luck.
Wat een interessante techniek. Ik had er vaag al wel eens iets over gehoord, maar heb er net iets meer over gelezen. Voorheen gebruikte ik aan app op mijn macbook dat ook een soort van tijdslots inbouwde, breaktime, maar dat was meer zodat ik vaker pauzes zou nemen en even van mijn macbook wegwandelde. Zodra ik weer eens een dagje thuis ga werken ga ik de Pomodoro techniek wel eens toepassen. Volgens mij voel je je dan mega productief!
I installed the app. Thanks for the tip. Needed this a lot as a freelancer working from home with a concentration level that suits a paramecium…
I´ve tried this multiple times and with different ´time zones´ but I find it so hard to keep the break exactly 5 (or 10) minutes. The trick is to not really get out of the zone, I think, but it’s dang haaaaard. Going to try again though! With the app :).
I was excited to see this because I downloaded the app last week. But the alarm wouldn’t go off if I was also listening to Pandora on my phone at the same time. I spent at least 3 break-less pomodoros being sad about that, but got over it. I love using the Pomodoro technique for cleaning because I only want to clean for 8 minutes at a time.
Ik ga dit eens een keer proberen, ben echt veel te snel afgeleid en dan baal ik dat ik op een bepaald tijdstip nog niets heb gedaan of iets dergelijks. Thanks!
Ik doe dit vandaag voor het eerst en ik ben nu al productiever dan ooit, whoeoe! Thanks voor deze blogpost.