Inspired by my friend Susannah, whose lists-blogs are my FAVORITE thing and I get all excited whenever she gets to cross another item of her list.
So I decided to make my own list of 31 things I want to do before I turn 32!
- Visit the Champagne region (is currently happening, I love easy items)
- Visit a new one- or two-star restaurant in the Netherlands
- Visit a one-star restaurant abroad (is also going to happen in the Champagne region because I’m doing that thing where you put items on your to-do list that were preplanned and you were already totally gonna do anyway)
- Go on a weekend get-away by myself
- Write 60 000 on a non-fiction book
- Watch all the Fast & Furious movies. (SHUT UP I am allowed to want what I want ok)
- Write a short story
- Write a Comedy Special of approximately 45 minutes
- Write a pilot and another 5 episodes of 20-minutes of a television show
- Eat fully vegan for a month
- Go on a writer’s retreat with Susannah
- Do a NaNoWriMo for one of my writing projects
- Have a dinner party with some of my girlfriends
- Go to Bon with Tess
- Clean out my wardrobe and bring it down to half of what it is because my closet is a Marie Kondo-themed horror movie
- Publish an English article on The Self Help Hipster.com every week (going strong)
- Publish a Dutch article on my Medium every week (going strong)
- Have Naomi make some designs for the Self Help Hipster based on my suit
- Do 150 F45 classes
- Take 30 Onefit Classes
- Watch 15 Disney movies
- Get a massage
- Go to the spa
- Clean out the book shelves in my home office
- Go to the wine bar Rayleigh & Ramsay with Susannah
- Decorate my work office with more plants, posters and pictures
- Take my parents out to dinner
- Spend a weekend with Vin in the forest in a cute cabin, inspired by Jenny From The Blog!
- Go visit 3 museums in my hometown (I’ve only ever visited one here in The Hague!)
- Manage to do a successful pull-up (LOL this is the least realistic out of all of them)
- Go offline for an entire weekend
Check in on April 17th or so to see if I manage to cross off a bunch of the items! 😉
Super leuk dit en wat een toffe dingen ook allemaal! Ik denk dat ik ook zo’n lijst ga maken, lijkt mij inderdaad echt geweldig om dingen af te kunnen kruizen. Succes en vooral veel plezier met alle dingen!
Nummer 5 TM 9. (Vooral nr 6)