2015 Vision Board.



(Not my real and meaningful vision board, but yay visual extra content. Plus, do really want that girl’s sweater.) 

Visionboards are all the rage when one year draws to a close, and a new one begins.

For those of you who don’t know, what you do when you make a vision board is you basically create a beautiful collage that represents what you want to have, what you want to do, and what you want to be. It’s basically creative visual (and hopeful) planning.

And it gives us something to do. Us bitches get bored.

I did mine for 2015 for the 50 Days Until 2015 E-Book. It is totally the same as in the book, but the text is edited and updated to my Actual 2015 here and there.

Wanna see? Actual vision board and article on it below!


1 PRODUCTIVITY JUNKIE One thing I want to focus on this year is getting a lot done, as productively and effectively as possible.

I’m no lazy girl, and already on my way, but I want to be more effective overall. My job is going to get bigger and more challenging in 2015, and I still want to write often for my blog and potential 2015 e-books.

Therefore the goal is to become insanely productive on a day to day basis. Without burning out or mental breakdowns. I’ll be assisted by to-do lists, the Pomodoro technique and just fucking doing it.

Code of 2015 article fits perfectly with this one.

2 BASIC BITCH 2.0. This year I want to do a MAJOR wardrobe transformation. I plan to throw out 90% of the clothes I currently own, and invest in basic high quality items that I feel both comfortable and beautiful in.

(Edit: This has basically happened. I only took about 30% of my wardrobe with me to my new place and bought good Levi jeans, a few shirts and a bunch of new sweaters. No regrets. I’ll be throwing away more over the course of the upcoming months.

3 JUST SHOW UP. I just want to show up for yoga. I have no other expectations or demands, I just want to get my ass to the yoga studio, change into my yoga pants and tanktop and sit down on my mat. I just want to practice and feel good. That’s all.

This is going pretty well. I get on my mat, I see what happens and I enjoy my yoga practice. Let’s keep it up.

4 #GIRLDOES21K I am running half a marathon this year. I’m curious to see what will happen to me in the progress of training for something like this.

Already training, but carefully because of the broken ankle. Currently two runs a week on set days, only 3-4 km each.

5 CHAMPAGNE Champagne stands for luxury and success. I want to spoil the people I love, I want to indulge, I want to celebrate life and I want to do dope shit. Let’s see if I can.

6 UNICORN BARF HAPPY For a very long time I was convinced I would NEVER be as happy as I had been before. That sucked, but I accepted that for a fact.

But then I got happy again. And happier. And then I got really unhappy when my heart got broken, obviously.

But even when I was hurting, when everything was broken and lost and changing, I could still feel happiness. Even though going through shit like this is tough, I keep connecting to that happy, thankful part of myself.

I’m including this picture as a reminder of that. That connection to happiness, even when shit is hard. Accessing your happiness and gratitude, because you can. I want to do that as much as possible this year.

If I’m not happy sometimes, or go through a rough period, that’s okay too. I believe in the value of negative emotions AND I refuse to bend over backwards for my emotions. Feelings change. But overall I’ll be connecting to that happiness as often as I can. And let’s see if I can get Unicorn Barf happy.

And that was that. Hope you have a wonderful Monday, go kick some ass. Bye.

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  1. Woahh, heel inspirerend dit. Vooral nummer 6, over unicorn barf happy. Op dit moment zit ik in een burn out met alle gevolgen van dien. Het is super k**, maar ik probeer zoveel mogelijk te genieten. Ik wil weer net zo gelukkig zijn als dat ik was (of NOG gelukkiger, mag ook).
    Heel stoer dat je een halve marathon gaat lopen!

  2. omg, amazing blog

    you look good just in that foto you posted
    probably a whole new wardrobe won’t rock your life

    consider what the wardrobe would give you then work on that instead


  3. I often read your blog and I’m in the same dark period as you. Heartbroken, with everyday struggles to heal it. I experience an extreme change in my feelings every day. The first months I didn’t feel the pain and thought everything was OK. But now 4 months later it looks like I’m starting to realise that my relationship is really over. I made by mistake the fault to play a justin timberlake song today that we always listened together. It made my cry so much.

    Maybe you can write a blog about how you deal with a broken heart, and more important how you can heal it?

  4. Ik heb hetzelfde met nummer 3: ik voel me geweldig als ik veel aan yoga en meditatie doe maar de stap om het daadwerkelijk te doen is soms zo groot voor mij. Ik probeer het nu te fixen door de Habit Streak app: je stelt een doel en elke ochtend vraagt de app of je de dag daarvoor je dat doel hebt gedaan. Zo bouw je een streak op en hoe langer hoe beter. Uiteindelijk heb je zo’n lange streak dat je geen dag wilt missen anders ben je je streak kwijt. En dat werkt wel redelijk. 🙂